If you’re like most people, not getting a sufficient amount of rest can make your day challenging. It’s because your body needs sleep to function at optimal capacity. When you don’t get enough sleep, you can usually feel it throughout the day. Unfortunately, not being fully rested on a regular basis can cause health problems. You might be surprised to know that some of the health challenges that arise from insufficient sleep can be addressed by an orthodontist.
With the many demands that people have in their professional and personal life, it’s common to feel stress. It’s why there are so many people trying to learn techniques for minimizing stress, such as meditation and breathing exercises. While it isn’t uncommon to feel stressed out, it is something that should be addressed sooner than later. When it’s not properly managed, stress can seriously impact your quality of life. There are even medical conditions that can result from stress, such as sleep apnea and Bruxism.
What is sleep apnea and what does it have to do with an orthodontist? That’s a great question. For starters, sleep apnea is a condition that hinders your ability to sleep at night because your airway is obstructed. This ends up creating a problem in the part of your brain that manages the respiratory system. When someone has sleep apnea, there is a serious risk of not being able to sustain life throughout the night. However, this is when the condition is advanced. There are a long list of symptoms associated with sleep apnea that include fatigue, an inability to concentrate and loss of short-term memory. An orthodontist can help to diagnose the condition and identify treatment options. There is also a possibility that over the counter medication is the solution.
Bruxism is a condition that most people have not heard of by its technical name. However, a lot of people have the condition and don’t know it. Bruxism is when you grind your teeth involuntarily. It happens when you’re sleeping and it starts with clenching your jaw. When someone has Bruxism, the symptoms will often include jaw soreness, headaches, anxiety, tension, depression, migraines, earaches, insomnia and neck pain. The reason why your quality of sleep falls is because grinding your teeth interrupts sleep patterns. In fact, Bruxism is known for interrupting REM sleep, which is rapid eye movement and occurs at the beginning stages of a deep sleep. Unfortunately, you never really get through all of the cycles because of issues in the REM sleep phase. Another problem with Bruxism is that it can cause serious damage to your teeth.
By visiting an orthodontist, they can assess whether or not your teeth are misaligned. This is important because misaligned teeth increases the chances of developing Bruxism. Your orthodontist can pinpoint the issue and create a plan for treating the condition. When you consider the long-term problems associated with Bruxism and not getting the sleep that you need, seeing an orthodontist makes sense. The same applies to sleep apnea. In fact, this is a condition that’s far more dangerous since it inhibits your breathing.
The benefits associated with visiting an orthodontist is not just about sleeping better, although that’s very important. It’s also about improving your quality of life. The types of issues that arise from sleep apnea and Bruxism can be frustrating and end up exacerbating stress levels. Dr. Rick Herrman, an orthodontist specialist, can help you navigate and overcome these challenges. When it’s all said and done, you’ll feel better and you can end up with a more beautiful smile.